
Whenever you travel by car on the road, when the police cut your licence

 Whenever you travel by car on the road, when the police cut your licence, just remember that only the traffic police has the right to cut the license. There is no right to revoke the license of a police station or police station. If the police station or police station revokes your licence, ask them which law and under which law you have the right to revoke your licence. They can't cut your license as soon as you speak up. Now you will say that sir, as soon as you say this, the police will torture you. why?

Because Indian law has no right to torture police.Let me explain this in another language. Do the police ever torture a lawyer? Why not? Because lawyers know all the laws of the country.That is why the police always torture the person in front of you without knowledge.Remember knowledge is the only power.

  You should have this information.

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